var prodKey = "Dyd7kC4wxLDFz0rQ6W5T28DPgrM6SOBe"; var serviceURL = ""; //var serviceURL = ""; var urlLoc = window.location.protocol + "//" +; if ( urlLoc.indexOf("localhost") > -1 ) var serviceURL = "http://" + + "/laxservices/"; jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $("#BuyNow").hide(); $("#formLogin").on( 'submit' , pseudoLogIn ); $("#years").on('change', buttonSwap ); $(document).on('click', '.box', function(){ var $this = $(this); if ($':checked')) { $(this).addClass("checkmark"); } else { $(this).removeClass("checkmark"); } update(); }); $("#years").val("3"); buttonSwap(); }) function update() { deviceList = ""; devices = 0; string = " Device"; $(".checkmark").each(function() { deviceList += $( this ).val() + ";"; devices += 1; }); if (devices > 1) string += "s"; $("#priceSelect1y").val(devices + string); $("#priceSelect3y").val(devices + string + " 3y"); yearsVal = $("#years").val(); $(".DevsToBuy").val(deviceList + yearsVal); years = $("#years option[value='" + yearsVal + "']").text(); yearsVal2 = ""; if (yearsVal != 1) { yearsVal2 = " " + yearsVal + "y"; } yearsVal += "y"; textVal = $("#priceSelect" + yearsVal + " option[value='" + devices + string + yearsVal2 + "']").text(); console.log("textVal"+textVal); console.log("yearsVal"+yearsVal); console.log("devices"+devices); console.log("string"+string); console.log("yearsVal2"+yearsVal2); $("#priceTag").html( "Purchase " + years + " per device for " + textVal); if (devices >= 5) { $(".box").not(".checkmark").each(function() { $(this).attr("disabled", true); $("#limit").show(); }); } else { $(".box").removeAttr("disabled"); $("#limit").hide(); } if (devices == 0) { $("#sub").hide(); } else { $("#sub").show(); } } function buttonSwap ( event ) { yearsVal = $("#years").val(); $("#1yBuy").hide(); $("#3yBuy").hide(); $("#" + yearsVal + "yBuy").show(); update(); } function pseudoLogIn ( event ) { var userEmail = String($("#iLogEmail").val()); var dataString = "pkey=" + prodKey + "&action=getDevForUser"; passform = $("#formLogin"); if (userEmail.length > 0) { rawdata = passform.serialize(); $.post( serviceURL + "user-api.php?" + dataString, rawdata) .done(function( response ) { if (response && response.sensors && response.sensors.length >= 1) { boxes = ""; $('#welcome').text( "Welcome back " + response.first_name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + response.first_name.substring(1) + " " + response.last_name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + response.last_name.substring(1) + "!"); $('#Devices').empty(); for(var i = 0; i < response.sensors.length; i++) { devinfo = String(response.sensors[i].value); boxes += ' ' + String(response.sensors[i].text) + '
' $("#pseudoLogin-warning").text("Success").show(); var res = response.sensors[i].value; $("#ref").val(res.substring(0, res.indexOf("-"))); } $("#Devices").html(boxes); $("#loginBlock").hide(); $("#codeEntry").show(); } else { $("#codeEntry").hide(); $("#pseudoLogin-warning").text("No devices were found for the given account. ensure the credentials are correct").show(); } }) .fail(function(){ alert('a server error occured, please try again in a few seconds.'); }); } event.preventDefault(); }